In my code I'm running several iterations each of which solves an LP problem using lpSolveAPI. In some cases the LP takes an excessive amount of time, so I want to set a time limit so that I can skip the current iteration and go to the next one.
for (i in 1:1000)
#create LP model for problem for instance i
I already tried:
solve(model,timeout = 10, time_limit = 10)
evalWithTimeout(solve(model), timeout = 10, onTimeout = "error")
but in both cases the LPsolver keeps working the same way as if I had not specified a time limit.
What do you suggest?
Per reference manual of lpSolveAPI package, use
lp.control(model, timeout = 10)
status = solve(model)
The methods you've tried don't work because solve ignores all arguments except the first one, and evalWithTimeout can't interrupt C code.