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What is a built-in name for a filehandle in Perl?

None of the names listed by perl -f ref seems to be for a filehandle. The following code returns GLOB, so it seems that filehandle is internally mapped to or managed as a typeglob. Is that correct?

open FH, '>', "out.txt";
my $ref = \*FH;
print "ref \$ref:", ref $ref, "\n";

Does a filehandle have its own type name?


  • Does a filehandle have its own type name?


    $ perl -MDevel::Peek -e'Dump(*STDOUT{IO});'
    SV = IV(0x3ba7118) at 0x3ba7128
      REFCNT = 1
      FLAGS = (TEMP,ROK)
      RV = 0x3bc4390
      SV = PVIO(0x3bc8668) at 0x3bc4390
        REFCNT = 3
        FLAGS = (OBJECT)
        STASH = 0x3bc3fa0   "IO::File"
        IFP = 0x3bbe180
        OFP = 0x3bbe180
        DIRP = 0x0
        LINES = 0
        PAGE = 0
        PAGE_LEN = 60
        LINES_LEFT = 0
        TOP_GV = 0x0
        FMT_GV = 0x0
        BOTTOM_GV = 0x0
        TYPE = '>'
        FLAGS = 0x0

    Technically, an IO object can have three handles associated with it: An input file handle (IFP), an output file handle (OFP), and a directory handle (e.g. created using opendir, DIRP). Usually, only one of the input and output handles are set, or they are both set to the same handle. Doing open(FOO, ...); opendir(FOO, ...); <FOO>; readdir(FOO); would work fine because of the separate file and directory handles.

    it seems filehandle is internally mapped to or managed as a typeglob. Is that correct?

    Both file and directory IO objects are normally encapsulated in a glob, yes. But it's not required.

    $ perl -E'
       my $fh = "STDOUT";     say($fh "$fh");
       my $fh = *STDOUT;      say($fh "$fh");
       my $fh = \*STDOUT;     say($fh "$fh");
       my $fh = *STDOUT{IO};  say($fh "$fh");
    STDOUT                    # Name
    *main::STDOUT             # Glob
    GLOB(0x1175a48)           # Reference to a glob. (This is returned by open $fh)
    IO::File=IO(0x1175a60)    # Reference to a (blessed) IO.