I'm working on app and decided to use UIScrollView
. I'm using Cartography to set the elements constraints inside of the UIScrollView.
My question is: On Cartography, we can get bottom position of element with element.bottom
, is there a way to use this position to set the UIScrollView contentSize height? I know what is the last one element.
According to this answer on the Github Cartography project, this is not poissible.
Not sure what you mean, but view.bottom is not a value but rather a variable symbolic (after all, it's Auto Layout's job to figure out the value).
Now what most strikes me is that if I set the constraints manually, without using Cartography, this works correctly.
self.view.addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|[v0(\(getScreenSize().width * 0.68))]-25-[v1][v2(\(textViewHeight))][v3(44)]-20-[v4(32)][v5(300)]|", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions(), metrics: nil, views: ["v0": imageView, "v1": titleTextView, "v2": textView, "v3": stackView, "v4": galleryHeader, "v5": collectionView]))