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How to copy folder structure under another directory?

I have some questions related to copying a folder structure. In fact, I need to do a conversion of pdf files to text files. Hence I have such a folder structure for the place where I import the pdf:


And I would like to create the exact folder structure under "D:/g/subfolder1/subfolder2/" but without the pdf file since I need to put at this place the converted text file. So after the conversion function it gives me


And also I would like to add if function to make sure that under "D:/g/" the same folder structure does not exist before creating.

Here is my current code. So how can I create the same folder structure without the file?

Thank you!

import converter as c
import os
inputpath = 'D:/f/'
outputpath = 'D:/g/'

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(yourpath, topdown=False):
    for name in files:
      with open("D:/g/"+ ,mode="w") as newfile:
          newfile.write(c.convert_pdf_to_txt(os.path.join(root, name)))


  • For me the following works fine:

    • Iterate over existing folders

    • Build the structure for the new folders based on existing ones

    • Check, if the new folder structure does not exist
    • If so, create new folder without files


    import os
    inputpath = 'D:/f/'
    outputpath = 'D:/g/'
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(inputpath):
        structure = os.path.join(outputpath, dirpath[len(inputpath):])
        if not os.path.isdir(structure):
            print("Folder does already exits!")
