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xsd dateTime loosing timezone information being passed through Websphere ESB via JAX-WS

I'm using JAX-WS (WAS 7) --> Websphere ESB 7 --> JAX-WS (WAS 7), populating a xsd:dateTime field with a timestamp.

Here's the flow:

  1. WAS - Instantiate Response object
  2. Populate XMLGregorianCalendar field in POJO [DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar((GregorianCalendar)Calendar.getInstance())] "2010-11-02T15:35:42.047+13:00"
  3. Pass response back through ESB
  4. Examine response in gateway "2010-11-02T02:35:42.047Z"

As you can see the NZ timezone info is ignored. The returned XMLGregorianCalendarImpl.timezone=0, where it was XMLGregorianCalendarImpl.timezone=780 when it was instantiated.

The POJO is generated with the "JAX-WS RI IBM 2.1.1 in JDK 6" as

@XmlType(name = "MessageControl", namespace = "", propOrder = {
public class PojoClass {

    @XmlElement(name = "MessageTrackTrace")
    protected String messageTrackTrace;
    @XmlElement(name = "MessageDate", required = true)
    protected XMLGregorianCalendar messageDate;

Is this a bug in ESB? Perhaps there is a configuration I can change? Cheers


  • Thanks for the thought Ryan, I solved it by populating a new XMLGregorianCalendar from a Date.

    DatatypeFactory df = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
    GregorianCalendar cal = (GregorianCalendar) Calendar.getInstance();
    Date messageDate = pojoClass.getMessageDate().toGregorianCalendar().getTime();
    XMLGregorianCalendar xCal = df.newXMLGregorianCalendar(cal);

    This maintains the format I want i.e. 'Pacific/Auckland' timezone.
