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How to create a std::array wrapper class


I'm trying to create a few of my own wrapper classes for the STL containers so I can separate implementation from my code base. I have already done alittle bit with my Vector class wrapper like so:


template<typename type>
    class Vector
        Vector(std::initializer_list<type> initializer);
        Vector(int size, int defaultValue);
        Vector(int size);

        void PushBack(type itemToPushBack);
        type AtPosition(int position);

        std::vector<type> m_collectionOfItems;

As you can see, I have constructors setup and I've used std::vector as a member so that I can just call std::vector functions within my own Vector classes.


With std::array I have to specificy a size immediately when instantiating any object. So if I created a member variable like I did with my vector class, I would have to give that array object a size. I would rather the size be specified by the user using some similar constructor setup to Vector's (ex. MyArrayClass myArray(10) ). How might I try and implement this Array wrapper?


  • I would rather the size be specified by the user using some similar constructor setup to Vector's (ex. MyArrayClass myArray(10) ). How might I try and implement this Array wrapper?

    The purpose of std::array, unlike std::vector, is that the size is specified at compile time. Its underlying structure is a plain vanilla array which needs the size at compile time.

    I can think of the following wrapper in case it is useful

    template <typename T, std::size_t N>
    class Array {
        // stuff
        std::array<T, N> array_;