I am facing issues when I need to, for example, download new Build-tools using the Standalone SDK Manager. It says it does not have permissions etc - so I run ./studio.sh with sudo, which fixes the problem.
I have not faced more problems yet, but what is the right way of running Android Studio on Linux - with, or without sudo rights? I do not want grant it rights if it can do without it.
Just to mention, Android Studio is placed at /opt/android-studio/... And the SDK at ~/Android/Sdk/... (to my understanding this should not need root privileges?)
I keep getting access errors if running without sudo and simply trying to build the project.
Could not read path '/home/fakepath/app/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/com.google.maps.android/android-maps-utils/0.4.4/jni'
I found the best solution so far the worked for me is a constructive answer:
sudo for Android Studio?
It's usually good to minimize the programs you need to run as root. - @Kyle
Run Android Studio without sudo
sudo for SDK Manager only
You can run just the SDK manager by running the shell script "android" in the android-sdk/tools folder sudo sh /opt/android-sdk/tools/android - @Kyle
Launch SDK Manager separately when an update is needed
Granting file access permissions
if you wanted to run it as your own user, you could do that by changing ownership of the entire /opt/android-studio directory (recursively) - @matias elgart
sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /home/fakepath/app - @num8er
So in my case, I have changed the ownership of Android SDK folder for Android Studio to pick up the files without any problems. This has solved my issues:
sudo chown -R myusername:myusername ~/fakepath/Android/Sdk/