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"Incompatible App" error with Google VR app

I've been working with the Google VR SDK and I wrote a simple app that uses the GvrActivity and GvrView. The app used to work without any issues, but after I started using the Daydream headset, the app won't run.

Instead, when I deploy the app with Android Studio, I get an "Incompatible App" message that says "This Cardboard application is not compatible with Daydream headsets."

I didn't make any changes to the app. Stereo mode and VR mode are disabled, so I don't know what the problem is. Any thoughts?


  • I fixed the problem by turning off Google VR Services. This can be done by going to Settings > Apps and selecting "Show System" in the menu. Then scroll down to "Google VR Services" and select "Disable". After this, regular apps can run normally.