I am making a file indexing service using eve.
All my collections are of the type:
"file_collection" : {
'schema' : {
'file': {'type': 'media'},
'meta': {'type': 'dict',
schema: {...whatever it is I want to index...}
I would like to use an on_insert hook to open the file , extract some data and populate this document's meta dictionary.
I have not been able to access or find any gridFS object in the eve application object: How can I access the document contents?
Ok, this is what I learnt during my subsequent research:
from eve import Eve
from flask import current_app
from eve.io.mongo.media import GridFSMediaStorage
def file_collection_on_insert(documents):
gridfs = GridFSMediaStorage(app=current_app)
#do something with gridfs: eg: gridfs.get(file_id)
app = Eve()
app.on_insert += file_collection_on_insert
Event quicker and easier access to media:
from flask import current_app as app
def file_collection_on_insert(documents):
#get the file_id