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SQL join to get the cartesian product of 2 columns out of 3 columns

I have the following table:

create table #table (
  time int,
  key  char(1),
  val  int

with the following data:

insert into #table (time, key, val) values (0,"a",1)
insert into #table (time, key, val) values (0,"b",2)
insert into #table (time, key, val) values (1,"a",10)
insert into #table (time, key, val) values (2,"b",20)

and I would like to come up with a join of that will yield the following rows/cols:

0  a  1
0  b  2
1  a  10
1  b  0
2  a  0
2  b  20

Which is basically the cartesian product of the values of the first 2 columns, and their associated values in the 3rd column when the value exists, otherwise 0 when null.

I tried a few combinations of outer join but none of them seems to work.

Please help.



  • Try this:

    SELECT DISTINCT t1.time, 
                        t1.time = t2.time AND t1.key = t2.key AND t1.value = t2.value, 
                    ) AS value
    FROM table_name t1
    JOIN table_name t2
    ORDER BY t1.time ASC,
             t2.key ASC;