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Retrofit API call receives "HTTP FAILED: Canceled"

Can't figure out why is this happening. Neither one of rx callbacks (onCompleted(), onError(), onNext()) not gets triggered by my call. The only thing i receive is this okhttp output:

D/OkHttp: --> GET http/1.1
D/OkHttp: --> END GET
D/OkHttp: <-- HTTP FAILED: Canceled

Retrofit module:

public class RestModule {

    public HttpLoggingInterceptor providesHttpLogginInterceptor() {
        return new HttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY);

    public OkHttpClient providesOkHttpClient(@NonNull HttpLoggingInterceptor loggingInterceptor) {
        return new OkHttpClient.Builder()
            .connectTimeout(ConstantsManager.CONNECTION_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .readTimeout(ConstantsManager.READ_TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    public Gson providesGson() {
        return new GsonBuilder().create();

    public Retrofit providesRetrofit(@NonNull OkHttpClient okHttpClient, @NonNull Gson gson) {
        return new Retrofit.Builder()

    public PrivatbankApi providesPrivatbankApi(@NonNull Retrofit retrofit) {
        return retrofit.create(PrivatbankApi.class);

API interface:

public interface PrivatbankApi {

    Observable<CurrentRates> loadCurrentRates(@NonNull @Url String url);

    Observable<DateRates> loadDateRates(@NonNull @Query("json") Boolean json, @NonNull @Query("date") String date);



subscription = dataManager.loadDateRates(date)
                .doAfterTerminate(() -> {
                .subscribe(dateRates -> {
                    // My code here...
                }, throwable -> {
                    Timber.e(throwable, "Error while loading data occurred!");

By the way, both of the calls gets the same error:

D/OkHttp: --> GET http/1.1
D/OkHttp: --> END GET
D/OkHttp: <-- HTTP FAILED: Canceled
D/OkHttp: --> GET http/1.1
D/OkHttp: --> END GET
D/OkHttp: <-- HTTP FAILED: Canceled


  • That exception gets thrown if the request is cancelled by the user. When using RxJavaCallAdapterFactory this happens if the subscription is unsubscribed before the call can complete. So I guess at some point after you do the call you do subscription.unsubscribe() which cancels the underlying requests.