I have a table on a page and two subscriptions:
When subscriptions fire one by one everything is OK, but when they fire at the same time data is highlighted and soon after is reloaded so highlighting is gone.
You can see it here.
Is there are way to postpone highlighting if reloading is in action?
Probably I can accomplish this by introducing loading
variable but I am looking for reactiveX solution.
Thanks in advance.
Keep in mind that in rxjs everything is a stream, which you can use to your advantage, I've modified you fiddle a bit so that everything is a stream now:
var pageClicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document.getElementById('page'), 'click');
var highlightClicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document.getElementById('highlight'), 'click');
var bothClicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document.getElementById('both'), 'click');
var page = 0;
var nextPage$ = Rx.Observable.of(page)
.map(function() {
page = (page + 1) % 2;
return page
var doBoth$ = nextPage$
// initial rendering of data
Here is the link to the updated fiddle: https://fiddle.jshell.net/r2L7k0mc/3/
Based on your comments I have updated your fiddle with the following code:
var page$ = events.page$.share();
var loadData$ = page$
.switchMap(page => loadData(page).takeUntil(page$))
var loading$ = Rx.Observable.merge(
.switchMap(function() {
return loading$
.filter(function(isLoading) { return !isLoading; })
See: https://fiddle.jshell.net/mc8h52r7/5/
However I would strongly suggest to rethink the architecture, since this is a very ugly set of streams, that could surely be optimized with a different architecture.