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Get last message between current user and others from sql

I want to retrieve the last messages between current user and others and display it in the user's messages page like how facebook does. I used this

select *
from ch_messages
where receiver='$current_user_id' or sender='$current_user_id' && (least(sender, receiver), greatest(sender, receiver), f_msg_date)     
       least(sender, receiver) as x, greatest(sender, receiver) as y, 
       max(f_msg_date) as date
    from ch_messages
    group by sender, receiver

but it get all the messenges from a user to the current user and the current user's last message to the user. I want it like this image

This is my table structure

mid  => messages id
sender  => The sender of the message
receiver => The receiver of the message
msg   => The message sent
f_msg_date => date in which the message was sent


  • You simply need to remove the quote around reciver in subquery and assuming the each message have an unique id column (auto increment) if you want the last message

      select *
      from ch_messages
      where receiver='$current_user_id' 
      or sender='$current_user_id' 
      AND ( id, least(sender, receiver), greatest(sender, receiver), f_msg_date )     
      (  select 
             , least(sender, receiver) 
             , greatest(sender, receiver), 
          from ch_messages
          group by sender, receiver