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Declare AngularJS1 directive to uppercase text into existent element

I need to create a directive that uppercase all letter of content of a elem

<div>Hello World!</div>

with addition of all-uppercase

<div all-uppercase>HELLO WORLD!</div>

My mission is understending how Angular can provide an ability to manipulate text into existing html via "directive"

Please post working code...


  • Though this could have been easily done via CSS directly by just by saying css rule text-transform: uppercase.

    Directive version would be, like below. Where you are accessing element text via link function, make it uppercase & put it back to the text of the element.


    .directive('allUppercase', function(){
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element){

    Same thing can be achievable via using angular built in filter called as uppercase

    {{ 'Hello World!'| uppercase }}

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