I'm trying to find an workaround for checking for NULL maps in Hive 2.1. When I'm checking the keys inside the map I get the correct result. Here's what I'm trying to evaluate and also the result:
hive> select request_params, request_params is null, request_params['id'], request_params['id'] is null from dcs_log_pday_s3 where pday='2016-11-24' and hour='00' and pid=1124 limit 10;
{"id":"EAED7055-7003-4A11-8494-CF1079EF24","et%3Aivs%7Cdata%3Ad":"1966"} false EAED7055-7003-4A11-8494-CF1079EF24 false
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
NULL false NULL true
{"id":"97EBD924-C45C-4A93-AAEF-57595005","et%3Aibs%7Cdata%3Ad":"1966"} false 97EBD924-C45C-4A93-AAEF-57595005 false
Time taken: 0.095 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s)
However, I haven't the same issue on old versions of Hive (eg on Hive 1.1):
hive> select request_params, request_params is null from dcs_log_pday_s3 where
pday='2016-11-24' and hour='00' and pid=1124 limit 10;
Query ID = keystone_20161126000606_0a8caadd-ec27-4a92-96a9-5e7b0b95f318
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 1 minutes 2 seconds 750 msec
{"id":"3AFCDA87-BAE5-4EEA-9B47-61BA2B4D0BC8","et%3Aibs%7Cdata%3Ad":"1966"} false
NULL true
NULL true
NULL true
NULL true
NULL true
NULL true
NULL true
{"id":"8D0F1D5F-57E7-4127-94C0-C1FD4F98D6E8","et%3Aibs%7Cdata%3Ad":"1966"} false
I can add that the first query I'm running on AWS EMR 5.2 and the second query is running on a local CDH5.4 cluster.
Can someone give me some insight?
I have found out a workaround for this by using size UDF. It seems like when evaluating NULLs it returns -1. (https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/master/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/udf/generic/GenericUDFSize.java#L74)
Here's a query run:
hive> select size(null) from emr_output limit1;