I am transfering my project to xcode (I was working previously in windows). I have copied the WWW file and do the following steps.
$sudo npm install -g cordova
$cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
$cd hello
$ cordova platform add ios
And I open the project in
So, where should I copy my www folder:
1) In the hello/www ? or
2) hello/platforms/ios/www? or both?
Also, what happens with the config.xml should i change both?
I tried copying on both but it didnt work.
What I am missing?
Thank you
please follow the following steps :
$cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
$cd hello/
Then you got the following structure in your project folder
Then just places your existing files in www (hello/www) folder and installed the plugins which you are needed in the project.
$cordova platform add ios
Then open your xcodeproj file in xcode
And then click on build and test application on simulator.
Hopes this will help you !!