Using this data.frame
banks <- read.table(text = c("
Date Central_Bank Al-Ahli CIB Arab_African_Bank Misr AbuDhabi Qahira Credit_Agricole Albarakah Alt3meer_El_Eskan
20/11/2016 17.14 17.27 17.25 17.3 17.28 17 17.28 17.25 17.35 17
21/11/2016 17.39 17.25 17.15 17.3 17.25 17.2 17.25 17.25 17.31 17.1
22/11/2016 17.29 17.4 17.25 17.37 17.41 17.25 17.25 17.3 17.43 17.3
23/11/2016 17.3 17.4 17.3 17.32 17.41 17.3 17.3 17.25 17.35 17.25
24/11/2016 17.37 17.4 17.3 17.4 17.41 17.4 17.3 17.25 17.4 17.25"
), header = T)
and this script
banks$Date <- as.Date(banks$Date, format="%d/%m/%Y")
banks1 <- banks %>%
tidyr::gather("Bank", "Value", 2:11)
ggplot(banks1, aes(x = Date, y = Value, fill =Bank))+
geom_bar(stat= "identity", position = "dodge", fill = "Blue")+
I got this plot
These values are the exchange rate USD/EGP. The fluctuations in the exchange rate are between 17 and 17.45. I want to zoom in to highlight these fluctuation so I used
scale_y_continuous( limits = c(17, 17.5),
breaks=c(17, 17.1,17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5))
However, the final plot was empty. Any suggestion what went wrong?
Line graph also show the desired zoomed variation
ggplot(banks1, aes(x = Date, y = Value, fill = Bank))+
geom_line(stat= "identity", color = "Blue", size = 2)+
scale_y_continuous( limits = c(17, 17.5),
breaks=c(17, 17.1,17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5)