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Removing Small White Space Under Footer

I've been searching around for a solution to the small sliver of white space which has appeared below my footer but nothing seems to work. I've tried manipulating margin-bottom and padding-bottom to no avail.

The website with the footer is located here: website

The footer in question has a class name of "footerWrapper" and i hope that using the browser DOM editor will give you a better picture of the situation then if i just posted incomplete code. I have tried for a long time to fix this and any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Added code below (I PHP 'included' alot of code, including my footer which created weird formatting. Could this be my problem?)

<body class="body1">
        <div class="borderLine"></div>
        <div class="banner"></div>

        <div class="mainContent1">
            <div class="header1">
                <div class="headerContainer">

<div class="headerPanelOuter">
    <div class="headerPanel">

        <p class="panelWelcome">Welcome,
            log in or sign up!        </p>

        <div class="panelButton" id="logInBut">
            <span>log in</span>

        <form name="LogOutForm" id="LogOutForm" method="post" action="/app/newstuff.php" style="z-index: 5;">
            <div class="panelButton" style="top: 34px;" onclick="SubmitLogOutForm()">
                <span>log out</span>
            <input name="LogOutState" type="hidden" value="1">

        <div class="panelButton" onclick="location.href='signup.php';" style="top: 64px;">
            <span>sign up</span>

        <div class="panelButton" onclick="location.href='useraccount.php';" style="left: 4px; width: 90px;">
            <span>my account</span>


<img class="KELogo" src="/../../images/PRLogo(header).png" alt="Logo"> 
<img class="KETitleLogo" src="/../../images/KENameLogo(header32).png" alt="People\'s Robotics">

<div id="blackBackg" style="display: none;"></div>
<div id="LogInBox" style="display: none;"> 
<p id="logEscape" onclick="">x</p>
<p id="logInTitle">Log In</p>
<div id="linediv2"></div>
    <form name="logInForm" id="logInForm" method="post" action="/app/newstuff.php" style="z-index: 5;">
        <span id="emailField">E-mail:</span>
        <br><input id="logEmail" type="text" style="height:  28px;" name="logEmail" value="" onfocus="inputFocus(this)" onblur="inputBlur(this)"> <br><br>
        <span id="passField">Password:</span> <br>
        <input id="logPass" type="password" style="height:  28px;" name="logPass" value="" onfocus="inputFocus(this)" onblur="inputBlur(this)"> <br><br>
        <input id="logSubmit" type="submit" name="logSubmit" value="Log In"> 

<ul class="navList1">
    <li><a id="B0" href="/app/newstuff.php" style="background-color: rgb(30, 96, 217); color: rgb(249, 249, 249);">New Stuff</a></li>
    <li><a id="B1" href="/app/products.php">Products</a></li>
    <li><a id="B2" href="/app/projects.php">Projects</a></li>
    <li><a id="B3" href="/app/faq.php">FAQ</a></li> 
    <li><a id="B4" href="/app/cart.php">My Cart</a></li>

            <div class="content1"> 
                <div id="NSDiv1">

    <div id="NSContentContainer">
    <section class="slider">
      <div class="flexslider">
        <ul class="slides">
          <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; opacity: 1; display: block; z-index: 2;" class="flex-active-slide" data-thumb-alt="">
            <img src="/images/sh3.jpg" alt="1" draggable="false">
          <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; opacity: 0; display: block; z-index: 1;" data-thumb-alt="">
            <img class="lazy" data-src="/images/sh1.jpg" alt="2" draggable="false" src="/images/sh1.jpg">
          <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; opacity: 0; display: block; z-index: 1;" data-thumb-alt="">
            <img class="lazy" data-src="/images/sh2.jpg" alt="3" draggable="false">
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    <div id="NSContentContainer" style=" top:  45px; left:  13px; width: 525px; height:  250px;z-index: 6;">


<!-------------------- DIV2----------------- -->
<div id="NSDiv2">

    <div id="NSContentContainer" style="height:  250px;">

     <div id="NSContentContainer" style=" top:  45px; left:  13px; width: 525px; height:  400px; ">
         <section class="slider">
      <div class="flexslider">
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          <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; opacity: 1; display: block; z-index: 2;" class="flex-active-slide" data-thumb-alt="">
            <img src="/images/sh2.jpg" alt="1" draggable="false">
          <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; opacity: 0; display: block; z-index: 1;" data-thumb-alt="">
            <img class="lazy" data-src="/images/sh3.jpg" alt="2" draggable="false" src="/images/sh3.jpg">
          <li style="width: 100%; float: left; margin-right: -100%; position: relative; opacity: 0; display: block; z-index: 1;" data-thumb-alt="">
            <img class="lazy" data-src="/images/sh1.jpg" alt="3" draggable="false">
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        <div class="footerWrapper">
    <div class="footerInnerContainer">
        <div id="footerSection1">

            <img id="smlFB" src="/../../images/trans.png" alt="logo">
            <img id="smlTW" src="/../../images/trans.png" alt="logo">
            <img id="smlIN" src="/../../images/trans.png" alt="logo">
            <img id="smlYT" src="/../../images/trans.png" alt="logo">

            <div id="fsm1">

            </div><div id="fsm2">

            </div><div id="fsm3">


        </div><div id="footerSection2">

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  $(window).load(function () {
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    slideshowSpeed: 6000,
    animationSpeed: 600,
    initDelay: 0,
    pauseOnAction: true,

    start: function(slider) { // fires when the slider loads the first slide
      var slide_count = slider.count - 1;

      $('.slides').on('click', function () {

        .each(function() {
          var src = $(this).attr('data-src');
          $(this).attr('src', src).removeProp('data-src');
    before: function (slider) { // fires asynchronously with each slider animation
      var slides = slider.slides,
        index = slider.animatingTo,
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        current = index,
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        prev_slide = current - 1;

        .find('img.lazy:eq(' + current + '), img.lazy:eq(' + prev_slide + '), img.lazy:eq(' + nxt_slide + ')')
        .each(function () {
          var src = $(this).attr('data-src');
          $(this).attr('src', src).removeProp('data-src');
     // default setting
    after: function(slider) {
        /* auto-restart player if paused after action */
        if (!slider.playing) {

            function checkUrl(url) {
                switch (url) {

                    case "":
                        return 1;
                    case "newstuff.php": //REMOVE THIS AFTER
                        return 1;
                    case "products.php":
                        return 2;
                    case "projects.php":
                        return 3;
                    case "faq.php":
                        return 4;
                    case "cart.php":
                        return 5;

            $(document).ready(function () {

                var array = window.location.pathname.split('/');
                var lastsegment = array[array.length - 1];
                $("ul.navList1 > li:nth-child(" + checkUrl(lastsegment) + ") > a").css({ "background-color": "#1E60D9", "color": "#f9f9f9" });

                $("#logInBut").click(function () {
                $("#blackBackg").click(function () {
                $("#logEscape").click(function () {

                $(".panelButton").mouseenter(function () {
                    $("span", this).css("color", "#f9f9f9");
                    $(this).css("background-color", "transparent");

                $(".panelButton").mouseleave(function () {
                    $("span", this).css("color", "#222423");
                    $(this).css("background-color", "#f9f9f9");

                $("ul.navList1 > li").mouseenter(function () {
                    $("a", this).css({ "background-color": "#1B4DA9", "color": "#f9f9f9" }); //#1B4DA9 , #001E56

                $("ul.navList1 > li").mouseleave(function () {
                    $("a", this).css({ "background-color": "transparent", "color": "#1e1e1e" });

                    var array = window.location.pathname.split('/');
                    var lastsegment = array[array.length - 1];
                    $("ul.navList1 > li:nth-child(" + checkUrl(lastsegment) + ") > a").css({ "background-color": "#1E60D9", "color": "#f9f9f9" });

            function navButtonHighlight() {
                var url = window.location.pathname;
                if (url == "/Template.php") {

            function SubmitLogOutForm() {



  • Well this is because of overflow, you need to use overflow:hidden in your css like this

    .footerWrapper {

    It'll be all fine