I have created custom latest blog template. But I can't show cover images in thumbnails.
Cover image should be here:
I have written following code to show the cover image:
<div class="panel">
<t t-set="properties" t-value="json.loads(post.cover_properties)">
<a class="o_panel_cover" t-attf-href="#{blog_url('', ['blog', 'post'], blog=post.blog_id, post=post)}" t-att-style="background-image: #{cover_properties.get('background-image')};">
<div class="panel-heading mt0 mb0">
<h4 class="mt0 mb0">
<a t-attf-href="#{blog_url('', ['blog', 'post'], blog=post.blog_id, post=post)}" t-field="post.name"></a>
<span t-if="not post.website_published" class="text-warning">
<span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle ml8" title="Unpublished"/>
After writing the code image not loading and it shows like this:
How can I show the image?
Firstly, there are several things with the controller.
The latest post route doesn't render cover-properties, it is like below:
return request.render("website_blog.latest_blogs", {
'posts': posts,
'pager': pager,
'blog_url': blog_url,
So I added necessary functions in my controller and returned like this:
return request.render("website_blog.latest_blogs", {
'posts': posts,
'pager': pager,
'blog_url': blog_url,
'blog_posts': blog_posts,
'blog_posts_cover_properties': [json.loads(b.cover_properties) for b in blog_posts],
On XML returned like this:
<t t-set="cover_properties" t-value="blog_posts_cover_properties[post_index]"/>
<a class="o_panel_cover" t-attf-href="#{blog_url('', ['blog', 'post'], blog=post.blog_id, post=post)}"
t-attf-style="background-image: #{cover_properties.get('background-image')};"></a>