I'm actually trying to use xmltextwriter to create a xml, but im having certains problems.
This is what i did
Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter("FactElec.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
writer.Indentation = 2
writer.WriteElementString("cbc:id", "1001")
writer.WriteRaw("<cbc:PayableAmount currencyID=""PEN"">" + TotGrav +
the problem is that i got an error in writer.WriteWhitespace, saying that it needs to be blank, but i need that the next WriteRaw appears in the next line. Just now it appears next to cbc:id
Thanks and sorry if i cannot explain it better.
Update: Or, just in case, if u know how can i add the currencyID=""PEN"" in cbc:PayableAmount, without using WriteRaw, could be better, because that is what is making me all these problems
You can use XML Literals for creating xml files in little bid cleaner way.
Imports <xmlns:sac="http://yoursacnamespace">
Imports <xmlns:cbc="http://yourcbcnamespace">
Public Module XmlInvoiceHelper
Public Sub SaveWithValue(totGrav As Integer)
Dim xml As XElement =
<cbc:PayableAmount currencyID="PEN"><%= totGrav %></cbc:PayableAmount>
Using writer As New XmlTextWriter("YourFile.xml", Encoding.UTF8)
End Using
End Function
End Module
For namespaces sac
and cbc
you need add Imports
line in the beginning of code file to support them for Xml literals code.