With a simple struct
such as
struct Foo { int i; };
I can create a new instance using an initializer list; no need to write a constructor:
Foo foo { 314 };
If I now add a move constructor
struct Bar
int i;
Bar(Bar&& other) { i = other.i; }
The initializer no longer works and I have to add a constructor too:
Bar(int i) : i(i) {}
I'm guessing this behavior is somewhat related to this answer (for user-defined move-constructor disables the implicit copy-constructor?), but more details would be nice.
Edit: as indicated by the answers, this has to do with adding a constructor. Which in turn would seem to create an inconsistency of sorts, if I add just a move operator:
struct Baz
int i;
Baz& operator=(Baz&& other)
this->i = other.i;
return *this;
The initializer works again, although with a slightly different syntax for "move" (yes, this is actually default construct and move assignment; but the end result seems about the same):
Baz baz{ 3141 };
Baz b;
b = std::move(baz);
It is not initializer list construction that is disabled by the move constructor (that was not present there to start with), but aggregate construction. And for a good reason: by adding a custom constructor, we indicate to the compiler exactly that the class in not an aggregate, that something different is necessary than just operate on each of its members one by one.
For an aggregate, the default default, copy, and move constructor will work well even if the member variables have nontrivial types. A copy construction will automatically be deleted if it can't be delegated to them, leaving move construction usable:
struct A { // non-copyable
int a;
int b;
A(int a_, int b_): a(a_), b(b_) { std::cout << "A(int,int)\n"; }
A() { std::cout << "A()\n"; }
A(const A&) = delete;
A(A&&) { std::cout << "A(A&&)\n"; }
struct B {
A a;
int main() {
B b1{{1,2}}; // OK: aggregate
B b2{std::move(b1)}; // OK: calls A::A(A&&)
//B b3{b1}; // error: B::B(const B&) auto-deleted
However, if you want to delete copy construction for some other reason and keep the others at default, just be explicit about it:
struct A { // copyable
int a;
int b;
A(int a_, int b_): a(a_), b(b_) { std::cout << "A(int,int)\n"; }
A() { std::cout << "A()\n"; }
A(const A&) { std::cout << "A(const A&)\n"; }
A(A&&) { std::cout << "A(A&&)\n"; }
struct B { // non-copyable
A a;
B() = default;
B(const B&) = delete;
B(B&&) = default;
int main() {
B b1{{1,2}}; // OK: still an aggregate
B b2{std::move(b1)}; // delegates to A::A(A&&)
//B b3{b1}; // error