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Error TS2322: Type 'Object[]' is not assignable to type '[Object]'

I have a code snippet like this:

export class TagCloud {

    tags: [Tag];
    locations: [Location];

    constructor() {
        this.tags = new Array<Tag>();
        this.locations = new Array<Location>();

But this gives me the following errors:

error TS2322: Type 'Tag[]' is not assignable to type '[Tag]'. Property '0' is missing in type 'Tag[]'.

error TS2322: Type 'Location[]' is not assignable to type '[Lo cation]'. Property '0' is missing in type 'Location[]'.

What am I doing wrong (the code is working though)?

I am using typings with the es6-shim Type descriptions (


  • In typescript when you declare an array you either do:

    let a: Array<number>;


    let a: number[];

    When you use:

    let a: [number];

    you are in fact declaring a tuple, in this case of length one with number.
    This is another tuple:

    let a: [number, string, string];

    The reason you get this error is because the length of the array you assign to tags and locations are 0, and it should be 1.