The following print statements are valid in accessing the 1st element of the array reference
my $aref = [6, 7, 8];
print $aref->[0];
print $$aref[0];
print ${$aref}[0];
What is the reason for allowing/using the curly brace in the 3rd print? Does it work by design or by chance?
The reason is that the expression inside the braces can be arbitrarily complex. Imagine, for example, that you had an object with a method that returned a list of array references - and that you wanted to use the second reference in that list. Then you could use the following code:
print ${ ($obj->array_generator)[1] }[0];
Inside the braces you can use any expression that returns an array reference. It is only in the simple case (where the expression is a simple scalar variable) that you can omit the braces.
Of course, using this syntax to look up elements in the referenced array is rarely a good idea - I'd always recommend the arrow syntax instead.
print +($obj->array_generator)[1]->[0];
Update: Something I forgot to mention originally - the expression has to be enclosed in braces as it is a block of code that returns an array reference. It doesn't have to be a single expression. You could (but probably shouldn't!) write code like this:
print ${
my @arefs = $object->array_generator;
my $aref = $arefs[1];