I am writing a script with awk to replace all double quote with double double quote for all files in folder.
I found this in stackoverflow but i get other result
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} {for (i=0;i<=NF;i++) gsub(/"/, "&&",$i)} 1 $f3 > $f2
the output for this example example :
01##"hello world"98##
01##""""hello world""""98##
And I would like to get
01##""hello world""98##
To replace all double quotes with two double quotes, use sed:
sed 's/"/""/g' file
No need for anything fancier than that.
To do this on all files in a directory, use the in-place option if your version of sed supports it:
sed -i.bak 's/"/""/g' *
This creates backups of each file with the suffix .bak
If you can't use -i
, then use a loop with a temporary file:
for i in *; do
sed 's/"/""/g' "$i" > tmp && mv tmp "$i"
Or there's always good old ed
for i in *; do
ed -s "$i" <<< $',s/"/""/g\nw'