I'm trying to implement the ls command in c with as many flags as possible, but i'm having issues with getting the correct Minor and Major of the files, here's an example of what i did.
> ls -l ~/../../dev/tty
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 0 Nov 25 13:30
this is the normal ls command as you can see the Major is 5, and Minor is 0. my program shows the following :
Minor: 6
Major: 0
i'm still a beginner so i didn't really understand the issue here, this is what i did so far (the program is not identical to the ls command yet, but only shows information about a file).
int disp_file_info(char **argv)
struct stat sb;
stat(argv[1], &sb);
printf("Inode: %d\n", sb.st_ino);
printf("Hard Links: %d\n", sb.st_nlink);
printf("Size: %d\n", sb.st_size);
printf("Allocated space: %d\n", sb.st_blocks);
printf("Minor: %d\n", minor(sb.st_dev));
printf("Major: %d\n", major(sb.st_dev));
printf("UID: %d\n", sb.st_uid);
printf("GID: %d\n", sb.st_gid);
for now this is only to obtain certain information about a file, everything seems to be correct when compared with the ls command except for Minor and Major.
You are using st_dev
, which is the device on which the file resides. You want st_rdev
, which is the device the special file "is"/represents. (You should first check whether the file is a device node, though.)