I am currently using the function listed below to find the text between 2 strings, my issue is where nothing is found it just returns an error and I wont to return either a space or Null, can anyone offer any advice on how to alter it please.?
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_GetStringBetween2Strings]
@String varchar(max),
@FirstString varchar(256),
@SecondString varchar(256)
DECLARE @FirstPosition int, @SecondPosition int
SET @FirstPosition = CHARINDEX(@FirstString,@String) + LEN(@FirstString)
SET @SecondPosition = CHARINDEX(@SecondString,@String)
RETURN (SELECT SUBSTRING(@String, @FirstPosition, @SecondPosition - @FirstPosition))
The most direct way is to check the result of charindex (it returns a 0 when no match is found). e.g.
DECLARE @FirstPosition int, @SecondPosition int
SET @FirstPosition = CHARINDEX(@FirstString,@String)
if @FirstPosition = 0 return 'Not found'
set @FirstPosition += LEN(@FirstString)
SET @SecondPosition = CHARINDEX(@SecondString,@String, @FirstPosition)
if @SecondPosition = 0 return 'Not found'
return SUBSTRING(@String, @FirstPosition, @SecondPosition - @FirstPosition)