Say I have the following batch script:
For ... DO (
IF defined VAL echo %%A=%%B >> %OUTPUT_FILEPATH%
How could I get the echo
to output using Unix (just line feed) line endings?
Alternatively, could I write the file as-is then convert it from the batch script afterwards? (some kind of find /r/n and replace with /n? If so, how would I do that?)
I'd like a self-contained solution (i.e. one that doesn't involve downloading extra utilities, and can be done from within the batch script itself [Windows 7]).
Taken from Macros with parameters appended:
Formatting is tricky, but try
set ^"LF=^
^" Don't remove previous line & rem line feed (newline)
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"& rem Define newline with line continuation
For ... DO (
IF defined VAL <nul set/P^=%%A=%%B%\n%>> %OUTPUT_FILEPATH%
Or, to avoid the leading space after first line:
<nul set/P^=%%A=%%B%\n%^>> %OUTPUT_FILEPATH%