In my input method service I am trying to select the text before the current cursor position. Following is the code snippet
InputConnection inputConnection = getCurrentInputConnection();
ExtractedText extractedText = inputConnection.getExtractedText(new ExtractedTextRequest(), 0);
InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
inputMethodManager.updateSelection(null, extractedText.selectionStart-1,extractedText.selectionEnd, 0, 0);
This has a very flaky behaviour, sometimes it selects, sometimes it just moves the cursor one step back.
Can anybody point out what is it that I am doing wrong?
Since this question has remained unanswered for some time, I would like to pose an alternate question. I was looking around for some alternate ways of selecting text and on the hackers-Keyboard, pressing the shift and then a arrow key does the trick, but I am not able to replicate the process. I tried sending the d-pad keys down and up key-events along with meta_shift_on flag.
But that is not working... Again, what am I doing wrong?
I solved this problem by using the shift+arrow keys.
1 --> I was requesting the "inputConnection" for each event. I have now started using just one instance of inputConnection which I request for on the hook "onBindInput" and use it for all.
2 --> Sending Meta_shift_on as a flag along with the dpad_left/right/whatever was not enough, Now I send a press down shift event, then dpad up-down, and then up shift event. following is the pseudo-code:
private void moveSelection(int dpad_keyCode) {
inputMethodService.sendDownKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT, 0);
inputMethodService.sendDownAndUpKeyEvent(dpad_keyCode, 0);
inputMethodService.sendUpKeyEvent(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT, 0);
And that is all it took.
Note: This solution is more or less a hack and I am still looking for a better solution that also allows me to switch anchor of a selection. If you know better, please share.