I am new to Matlab and I am struggling plotting the difference between these two graphs (subtract one plot from another) ... Can anyone help me?
% 2D plot of original target locations
X= double(xCoords);
Y= double(yCoords);
originalvalues = hist3([X(:) Y(:)],[30 40]);
c= colorbar;
c.Label.String = 'Initial location';
axis equal
axis xy
title('2D Map of Original locations');
% 2D plot of final target locations
Xf= Design.endCoordinatesX;
Yf= Design.endCoordinatesY;
values = hist3(double([Xf(:) Yf(:)],[30 40]));
c= colorbar;
c.Label.String = 'Final location';
axis equal
axis xy
title('2D Map of final locations');
If I understood well your problem, you want to making a third plot representing the difference between the two datasets.
What you have to do is to get common bins for all the histograms you calculate :
% find common centers for the two datasets
[~, centers] = hist3(cat(2,[X(:) ; Xf(:)],...
[Y(:) ; Yf(:)]),...
[30 40]);
% then you can calculate the histogram for each set of data :
originalvalues = hist3([X(:) Y(:) ], centers);
values = hist3([Xf(:) Yf(:)], centers);
% finaly, compute the difference between the two (now the bins are "aligned")
differenceValue = values - originalvalues;