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Softlayer API: Account association?

Now I'm developing a project about softlayer api, I wan't create a child account by call softlayer api. Then I will associate the child account with major account by call softlayer api. And destroy the child account by aoftlayer api.

So there is three questions follow:

  1. How can I create a softlayer account by softlayer api ?
  2. How can I associate the child account with major account by softlayer api ?
  3. How can I destroy the child account by softlayer api ?



  • The SoftLayer_Brand service is the one needed to create new Accounts. In order to successfully create a new Account you need a BAP account, which are accounts for branding usage, if you haven’t got any, I suggest you to contact Sales department and ask for one.

    You can create a Brand Account in this way using REST:

    Method: POST
      "parameters": [
          "brandId": 2,
          "companyName": "test-571-companyname",
          "firstName": "test-571-firstname",
          "lastName": "test-571-lastname",
          "address1": "4444 Alpha Rd",
          "postalCode": "75244-4608",
          "city": "Dallas",
          "state": "TX",
          "country": "US",
          "officePhone": "281.714.3333",
          "email": "",
          "lateFeeProtectionFlag": true,
          "claimedTaxExemptTxFlag": false,
          "allowedPptpVpnQuantity": 1,
          "isReseller": 0,
          "accountStatusId": 1001 

    You can create a sub brand in this way using REST:

    Method: POST
     "parameters": [
           "longName": "Company Long Name02",
           "name": "Company Name02",
           "keyName": "KEY_NAME_Marce",
           "account": {
             "address1": "4444 Alpha Rd",
             "city": "Dallas",
             "companyName": "companyname02",
             "country": "US",
             "email": "",
             "lastName": "lastname",
             "officePhone": "281.714.3333",
             "postalCode": "75244-4608",
             "state": "TX"

    Note: Regarding how associate a child account with a major account, it would be accomplished creating a child brand and then creating accounts for that child brand.

    Additionally, I suggest you to read the next links for further information: