I want to achieve a really simple task—changing the ViewController
of a Container View by pressing a button:
In my example the ViewController1
is embedded into the Container View using Interface Builder. By pressing the Button ViewController2
I want to change the view to the second ViewController.
I’m confused because the Container View itself seems to be a NSView
if I create an Outlet and as far as I know a NSView can’t contain a VC. Really appreciate your help!
Just note that in order for this to work you have to add storyboard identifiers to your view controllers, which can by going to your storyboard then selecting the Identity Inspector in the right hand pane and then entering the Storyboard ID
in the Identity
Then this implementation of ViewController
would achieve what you are looking for.
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
// link to the NSView Container
@IBOutlet weak var container : NSView!
var vc1 : ViewController1!
var vc2 : ViewController2!
var vc1Active : Bool = false
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Make sure to set your storyboard identiefiers on ViewController1 and ViewController2
vc1 = NSStoryboard(name: "name", bundle: nil).instantiateController(withIdentifier: "ViewController1") as! ViewController1
vc2 = NSStoryboard(name: "name", bundle: nil).instantiateController(withIdentifier: "ViewController2") as! ViewController2
vc1.view.frame = self.container.bounds
vc1Active = true
// You can link this action to both buttons
@IBAction func switchViews(sender: NSButton) {
for sView in self.container.subviews {
if vc1Active == true {
vc1Active = false
vc2.view.frame = self.container.bounds
} else {
vc1Active = true
vc1.view.frame = self.container.bounds