I'm trying to pull some data in from a DashDB database and analyze it within a Jupyter Notebook, all within the Watson Studio. Ideally we would create a Pandas Dataframe for analysis.
Here's how I was able to do it:
# First import the relevant libraries
import jaydebeapi
from ibmdbpy import IdaDataBase
from ibmdbpy import IdaDataFrame
Create a hash with credentials:
credentials_dashdb = {
Build the connection:
dsn="DASHDB;Database=BLUDB;Hostname=" + credentials_dashdb["host"] + ";Port=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=" + credentials_dashdb["user"] + ";PWD=" + credentials_dashdb["password"]
Import the data:
# See all the table names in the database
df=idadb.show_tables(show_all = True)
# Show the table names
# create a pandas dataframe from the table, show the first few rows
pandas_df = IdaDataFrame(idadb, 'MY_TABLE')
Hope that helps someone. Big credit to Sven Hafeneger and this notebook for this solution!