I'm compiling a TASM assembly file (to be run in protected mode) with this function that is using global variables:
array dd 0,29535,29535,29096,27889,35168,39271,24798,29855,29772,38197,22395
dd 56219,56131,56121,56133,24256,24229,24412,51616,37038,28755,29069,28107,46700,31766,30517,35050,33790,00000,0000,64000,64000,64000,64000,64000
dd 32190,10299,64000,25841,9185,25203,24473,25203,39396,64000,64000,64000,64000,64000,64000,64000,64000,15266,50285,25477,64000,64000
dd -1
adderVar EQU 0255442
result dd ?
modifyList proc near
mov edi,offset array
mov eax,adderVar
cmp dword ptr [edi],-1
je f
add dword ptr eax,[edi]
mov dword ptr [edi],eax
add edi,4
jmp e
mov [result],eax
modifyList endp
This code adds a fixed value (adderVar) to the first element of the array, and then the sum of all the previous elements to the next ones, stopping at an end delimiter (-1).
Loading the .OBJ file into IDA and creating a C file using Hex-rays generates this code:
int dword_3408E = 0; // weak
int dword_34092 = 29535; // weak
int dword_34096 = 29535; // weak
int dword_3409A = 29096; // weak
int dword_3409E = 27889; // weak
int dword_340A2 = 35168; // weak
int dword_340A6 = 39271; // weak
int dword_340AA = 24798; // weak
int dword_340AE = 29855; // weak
int dword_340B2 = 29772; // weak
int dword_340B6 = 38197; // weak
int dword_340BA = 22395; // weak
int dword_340BE = 56219; // weak
int dword_340C2 = 56131; // weak
int dword_340C6 = 56121; // weak
int dword_340CA = 56133; // weak
int dword_340CE = 24256; // weak
int dword_340D2 = 24229; // weak
int dword_340D6 = 24412; // weak
int dword_340DA = 51616; // weak
int dword_340DE = 37038; // weak
int dword_340E2 = 28755; // weak
int dword_340E6 = 29069; // weak
int dword_340EA = 28107; // weak
int dword_340EE = 46700; // weak
int dword_340F2 = 31766; // weak
int dword_340F6 = 30517; // weak
int dword_340FA = 35050; // weak
int dword_3411A = 64000; // weak
int dword_3411E = 32190; // weak
int dword_34126 = 64000; // weak
int dword_3412A = 25841; // weak
int dword_3412E = 9185; // weak
int dword_34132 = 25203; // weak
int dword_34136 = 24473; // weak
int dword_3413A = 25203; // weak
int dword_3415E = 64000; // weak
int dword_34162 = 15266; // weak
int dword_34166 = 50285; // weak
int dword_3417A; // weak
__int64 __usercall sub_167AA@<edx:eax>(__int64 a1@<edx:eax>)
int *v1; // edi@1
signed int v2; // eax@1
__int64 v4; // [sp-20h] [bp-20h]@1
v4 = a1;
v1 = &dword_3408E;
v2 = 255442;
while ( *v1 != -1 )
v2 += *v1;
*v1 = v2;
dword_3417A = v2;
return v4;
// 3408E: using guessed type int dword_3408E;
// 3417A: using guessed type int dword_3417A;
It seems that the values 25477,64000,64000 and the -1 delimiter are missing from the variables, and that the C code is assuming all int will be adjacent.
Would anyone have a guess on what is causing Hex-rays to fail, and how to modify the assembly code to have a proper C output?
You can convert dword_3408E to array in the assembly window. After that re-analyze code in the Hex-Rays window with F5 or another hotkey if you changed defaults, so Hex-Rays will show it as array too.
Another thing. Prototype for your function is also incorrect. It should be 'void sub_167AA()', because you don't use parameters and return value, but global variables.