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How to ignore hash in URL on Backbone.history.start

I have an URL like Browser should scrolling window to some page location if find someid in hash URL.

Additionally, I have backbone on page, if user opens page with some hash value in URL backbone failed to If no defined route matches the current URL. Backbone can't match #someid as a path.

var result = Backbone.history.start();
        if (!result) {
            console.log("If no defined route matches the current URL");

How to solve it ?


  • You can add a catch all route:

    splat parts *splat, which can match any number of URL components.

    var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
            '*catchall': 'homeRoute',
            // any route defined further down takes precedence on the ones before.
            'real-route/:id': 'realRoute',
        homeRoute: function() { /*...*/ },
        realRoute: function(id) { /*...*/ }

    Define any route you want Backbone to handle, then let any undefined route be caught by the splat.