I have a trouble in running a Perl script in muti-threads. It continued consume memory and finally the system ran out of memory and killed it. It seems that the sub-threads were detached but the system resource were not released when they finished. I am pretty new to Perl and couldn't find which part went wrong. This is part of the script that may cause this problem. Could anyone help me with this?
use strict;
use warnings;
print "different number:\t";
my $num1=<>;
chomp $num1;
if($num1!~/[1 2 3 4 5]/)
print "invalid input number\n";
my $i=0;
my $no;
my @spacer1;
my $nn;
my @spacer2;
open IN,"file1.txt"or die"$!";
if($_=~ /^>((\d)+)\|((\d)+)/)
close IN;
open IN, "file2.txt" or die "$!";
if($_=~ /^>((\d)+)\|((\d)+)/)
close IN;
#-----------------------------------------------------------------#create threads
use subs qw(sg_ana);
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;
my $cycl=(int($no/10000))+1;
my $c;
my @thd;
my $thread_limit= Thread::Semaphore -> new (3);
foreach $c(1..$cycl)
#-------------------------------------------------------------#limite threads num
sub waitquit
print "waiting\n";
my $num=0;
my $n;
my $n1;
my $j;
my $k;
my $l;
my $m;
my $num;#number of match
my $num2=0;;#arrange num
sub sg_ana
my $c1=shift;
my $c2=shift;
open OUT,">$num1.$c2.txt" or die "$!";
foreach $n($c1*10000..$c2*10000-1)
my $presult1;
my $presult2;
foreach $i(0..19)
my $tmp1=(substr $spacer2[$n][1],0,$i)."\\"."w".(substr $spacer2[$n][1],$i+1,19-$i);
foreach $n1(0..@spacer1-1)
my $tmp2=substr $spacer1[$n1][1],0,20;
print OUT "\n";
close OUT;
use strict;
and use
and then sort out the errors. Actually, you should
probably do that first of all, before you even start writing code.perl
does threads - they
aren't lightweight, so spawning loads is a bad idea. A better way of doing this is via Thread::Queue
a bit like this. open ( my
$out, '>', "$num.$c2.txt" ) or die $!;
. You're probably getting
away with it here, but you have got OUT
as a global namespace
variable being used by multiple threads. That way lies dragons.Don't use single letter variables. And given how you you use $c
then you'd be far better off:
foreach my $value ( 1..$cycl ) {
## do stuff
The same is true of all your other single letter variables though - they're not meaningful.
You pass $num
before it's initialised, so it's always going to
be undef
within your sub. So your actual subroutine is just:
sub sg_ana
my $c1=shift;
my $c2=shift;
open OUT,">$num1.$c2.txt" or die "$!";
close OUT;
Looking at it - I think you may be trying to do something with a shared variable there, but you're not actually sharing it. I can't decode the logic of your program though (thanks to having a load of single letter variables most likely) so I can't say for sure.
. That's not good style -
prefixing with an ampersand and supplying no arguments does
something subtly different to just invoking the sub 'normally' - so
you should avoid it.Don't instantiate your semaphore like this:
my $semaphore=new Thread::Semaphore(3);
That's an indirect procedure call, and bad style. It would be better written as:
my $thread_limit = Thread::Semaphore -> new ( 3 );
I would suggest rather than using Semaphores like that, you'd be far better off not detatch
ing your threads, and just using join
. You also don't need an array of threads - threads -> list
does that for you.
I can't reproduce your problem, because your sub isn't doing anything. Have you by any chance modified it for posting? But a classic reason for perl memory exhaustion when threading is because each thread clones the parent process - and so 100 threads is 100x the memory.