I'm creating a long sync process for an app and I don't want to forget something. For each table I have to follow the same procedure but different parameters.
It's a long and boring work. For this reason I should have a constraint in the base class that it forces me to implement some functions with different parameters.
For example
bool DeleteRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable1 sync, bool ExecuteScript = true)
bool InsertRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable1 sync)
bool UpdateRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable1 sync, string text)
bool DeleteRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable2 sync, int value1)
bool DeleteRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable(n) sync, bool IsDelete, int value1)
bool InsertRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable(n) sync, DateTime dtExecute)
bool UpdateRecordFromTable(SyncResultTable(n) sync, [...])
Ok, I worked out my solution. I don't know if it's the best solution in the world but I like it and accept suggestion.
First of all I defined my base class with all common function and the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged
Base class with T and INotifyPropertyChanged
public abstract class BaseSyncClass<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged where T : SyncResultBase {
private readonly ISyncData _syncData;
public BaseSyncClass(ISyncData syncData) {
_syncData = syncData;
public abstract string UpdateRecordFromTable(T sync);
public abstract string UpdateRecordFromTableNoSyncId(List<T> sync);
public void UpdateFromServer(List<T> result) {
foreach (T sync in result) {
Then when I create a new class base on the above, I can have all method to implement
Example of implementation
public class ListingConditionTableSync : BaseSyncClass<SyncResultCondition> {
public ListingConditionTableSync(ISyncData syncData) : base(syncData) {
public override string UpdateRecordFromTable(SyncResultCondition sync) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string UpdateRecordFromTableNoSyncId(List<SyncResultCondition> sync) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
What do you think? Is it an elegant and useful solution?