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Running a script in EMS

I tried to get the ACLs of Q n Topics but one by one. Can we run a script in EMS to get the ACLs of required queues r topics into a file.?

Thanks in advance. Regards, Vijay


  • Create a text file with all your commands in it with each command on a new line.

    example myscript.txt

    showacl queue queue1
    showacl queue queue2

    On command line navigate to ems bin directory and call tibemsadmin executable with -script parameter and pass above created text file. example:

    tibemsadmin -server tcp://localhost:7222 -script myscript.txt -user user -password pwd

    The output would be shown on console you can redirect it to a text by appending >out.txt to above command.

    *Don't forget to update the correct EMS server, username and password in the command.