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Performance test vs Load test vs stress test

I am testing web application which has been built by REST api. I want to simulate my application performance test, load test and stress test. Now I would like to know what is the difference among Performance test, Load test, stress test.


    • Performance Testing - is a testing technique, it is not something you can apply to your web application directly. Performance testing is a sub-type of Non Functional testing and Load Testing and Stress Testing in their turns are lesser subsets of the Performance Testing.

    • Load Testing - when you basically test how does your application act under anticipated load, i.e. you expect 500 concurrent users the process of asseessment your application under that load would be the Load Testing

    • Stress Testing - revealing the application boundaries and breaking points, finding bottlenecks, etc. It allows to have the following questions answered:

      • what is the maximum capacity of the system
      • how many users it may handle providing reasonable response time
      • what is the component which breaks first
      • does the system recover when the load gets back to normal

    See Why ‘Normal’ Load Testing Isn’t Enough for more detailed explanation.