I'd like to specify rank order in pandas. I know you can do it when you do:
df.groupby([x, y]).rank(ascending=False)
Question 1
How can I specify the ranking order (ascending=False) inside agg method:
df.groupby([x, y]).agg({
('r', 'c'): 'rank'
Question 2
df.groupby([x, y])['r', 'c'].rank(ascending=False)
Throws an error: KeyError: Columns not found
How can I specify a multi lelvel columns for rank?
Data Structure is as follows:
z x y
1 2016-11-01 00:00:00+00:00 3121 143
3923 11
3953 4
4880 12
I think you can use:
x = 'x'
y = 'y'
b = df[('r','c')].groupby(level=[x, y]).rank(ascending=False)
print (b)
z x y
1 2016-11-01 00:00:00+00:00 3121 1.0
3923 1.0
3953 1.0
4880 1.0
Name: (r, c), dtype: float64
Or need tuple
- add ,
to the end:
x = 'x'
y = 'y'
b = df.groupby(level=[x, y])[('r','c'), ].rank(ascending=False)
print (b)
z x y
1 2016-11-01 00:00:00+00:00 3121 1.0
3923 1.0
3953 1.0
4880 1.0
#print (df)