I am getting a warning message when I scan my code with Brakeman's Tool. It states that there is an Unscoped call to the following query:
@applicant = Applicant.find(params[:id])
Here is the actual error message:
| Confidence | Class | Method | Warning Type | Message |
| Weak | ApplicantsController | show | Unscoped Find | Unscoped call to Applicant#find near line 25: Applicant.find(+params[:id]+) | |
But when I replace the above query with the following one then it's fine:
@applicant = Applicant.where("id = ?", params[:id]).first
I don't understand what's wrong with the first query.
Brakeman is just warning you that you're querying the entire Applicant table, and not scoping it under another model, like current_tenant.applicants.find...
. From Brakeman's docs:
Unscoped find (and related methods) are a form of Direct Object Reference. Models which belong to another model should typically be accessed via a scoped query.
For example, if an Account belongs to a User, then this may be an unsafe unscoped find:
Depending on the action, this could allow an attacker to access any account they wish.
Instead, it should be scoped to the currently logged-in user:
current_user = User.find(session[:user_id]) current_user.accounts.find(params[:id])
If this is your desired behavior, you can configure Brakeman to ignore this warning as a false positive. To do that, run brakeman
with the -I
flag (or --interactive-ignore
). Follow the instructions on Ignoring False Positives to step through all the warnings, and add this particular one to your ignore file.
In a nutshell:
$ brakeman -I
Input file: |config/brakeman.ignore|
# press Enter to accept the default ignore file
No such file. Continue with empty config?
# press Enter to create the file
1. Inspect all warnings
2. Hide previously ignored warnings
3. Skip - use current ignore configuration
# press 2 to step through all warnings, skipping previously ignored
# Brakeman will now step through each warning, prompting you to for each one.
# Press i to add this warning to the ignore list.
# When finished, Brakeman will ask you what to do.
# Press 1 to save changes to the ignore file.
The next time you run Brakeman, this warning should not appear.