Hi WindowsAutomation/Appium community,
I am writing UI automation tests for a Windows 10 based application and things have been going well with my test scripts until when I had to log into a second device. I have no idea how to make this work with WinAppDriver. I have read up on Appium and WinAppDriver but it doesn't look like this scenario is supported at the moment. Has anyone been able to hack this process? Please advise.
Making a network connection to a 2nd device is possible. The steps are outlined in the "running on a remote machine" instructions on the readme here: https://github.com/Microsoft/WinAppDriver
On the machine you want to run the test application on, open up "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security"
Run ipconfig to determine your machine's local IP address
Run WinAppDriver.exe with command line arguments as seen above specifying local IP and port (must be in admin cmd)
I work at Microsoft on WinAppDriver.