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React/Redux—Individual state for each Instance of a Component

If have a list of users and each Entry has a button »EDIT«. If the user clicks on it the following happens:

  1. request the server for the form
  2. Add the component <UserEditForm /> to the entry, what expands the entry

This works fine except one thing: If one clicks further buttons each Instance of the form receives the data of the last user form requested. That is because I have only only one userform property in the state.

So to solve this I want to exchange userform to userforms which should/could be an Object like that:

userforms: {
  <id of first instance>: { … }, //formdata
  <id of second instance>: { … },

But since I am new to React/Redux I do not really know how to do that, or what the »right« approach, or best practice is, to actually do it.

My Idea is to create a higher Order Component like so:

import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import {uuid} from '../../helpers/uuid';

export const formdatainstance = (FormInstance) => {

  let id = null;

  class FormDataMapper extends React.Component {
    constructor (props) {
      id = uuid();

    render () {
      //extract the formdata from the state
      //using the id
      return <FormInstance { ...this.props } />

  const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
    console.log(id); //is null for one run
    return {
      userforms: state.userforms

  return connect(mapStateToProps)(FormDataMapper);

So in the List component I can:

import UserEditForm from './UserEditForm';
import {formdatainstance} from './formdatainstance';

const MappedUserEditForm = formdatainstance(UserEditForm);

class List extends React.Component {
    return (
      { => {
        //more stuff
        <MappedUserEditForm />
        //more stuff

So my Question: Is this a good Idea? If yes what would be the proper way to do the cleanup, so when in the life cycle of the component should I delete the data from the state? Is there another way to do that, which is easier?

Thanks for Help!


  • Here's what you can do...

    import React from 'react';
    import { compose } from 'redux';
    import { connect } from 'react-redux';
    import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
    class UserEditForm extends Component {
       render() {
          return <form onSubmit={this.props.handleSubmit(this.props.onSubmit)}>
              ...form fields
    const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
       return {
          form: ownProps.formId
    export default compose(
          //...other redux-form options

    Your ListComponent

    render() {
       return <ul>
          { => 
             <li key={}>
                 <UserEditForm formId={'form-' +} onSubmit={...} />

    This allows you to have a dynamic form name.