In the example, code is provided to get RichText. It is able to get the plain text content of the page, but I cannot seem to get it to return the HTML formatted content of the page.
For example:
- A
- B
should be:
However, the example code uses richText/text
and only returns Header:
. Is it possible to do something like richText/HTML
and get the HTML shown above? (Note: I want to use the add-in only, not the OneNote REST API.)
Code snippet from documentation: (context) {
// Get the collection of pageContent items from the page.
var pageContents = context.application.getActivePage().contents;
// Get the first PageContent on the page, and then get its outline's paragraphs.
var outlinePageContents = [];
var paragraphs = [];
var richTextParagraphs = [];
// Queue a command to load the id and type of each page content in the outline.
// Run the queued commands, and return a promise to indicate task completion.
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
// Load all page contents of type Outline
$.each(pageContents.items, function(index, pageContent) {
if(pageContent.type == 'Outline')
return context.sync();
.then(function () {
// Load all rich text paragraphs across outlines
$.each(outlinePageContents, function(index, outlinePageContent) {
var outline = outlinePageContent.outline;
paragraphs = paragraphs.concat(outline.paragraphs.items);
$.each(paragraphs, function(index, paragraph) {
if(paragraph.type == 'RichText')
return context.sync();
.then(function () {
// Display all rich text paragraphs to the console
$.each(richTextParagraphs, function(index, richTextParagraph) {
var richText = richTextParagraph.richText;
console.log("Paragraph found with richtext content : " + richText.text + " and richtext id : " +;
return context.sync();
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
We haven't documented it yet (it will added very soon), but there is a "getHtml()" method on the richText object. Here is a sample snippet. (context) {
var outline = context.application.getActiveOutlineOrNull();
outline.load('id, type, paragraphs/id, paragraphs/type');
return context.sync().then(function () {
if (!outline.isNull) {
var richTextParagraphs = [];
var htmls = [];
console.log("outline id: " +;
for(var i = 0; i < outline.paragraphs.items.length; i++){
var paragraph = outline.paragraphs.items[i];
console.log("paragraph type " + paragraph.type);
if (paragraph.type == "RichText"){
var html = paragraph.richText.getHtml();
paragraph.load("richtext/id, richtext/languageid")
return context.sync().then(function(){
for(var i = 0; i < richTextParagraphs.length; i++){
var richTextParagraph = richTextParagraphs[i];
console.log("Rich text paragraph id: " + richTextParagraph.richText.Id + " and " + richTextParagraph.richText.languageId)
for(var i = 0; i < htmls.length; i++){
var html = htmls[i];
console.log("Rich text paragraph html: " + html.value)
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));