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Slick: combine actions with a Seq of DBIOAction

I have the (working) following code:

val actions = (for {
  _ <- slickUsers.insertOrUpdate(dbUser)
  loginInfo <- loginInfoAction
  _ <- slickUserLoginInfos += DBUserLoginInfo(dbUser.userID,
} yield ()).transactionally

with loginInfoAction being a DBIOAction. I would like to change loginInfoActions to a Seq of DBIOAction and for each of them, execute the same DBUserLoginInfo action afterwards.

I tried this stupidly:

val actions = (for {
  _ <- slickUsers.insertOrUpdate(dbUser)
  loginInfoAction <- loginInfoActions
  loginInfo <- loginInfoAction
  _ <- slickUserLoginInfos += DBUserLoginInfo(dbUser.userID,
} yield ()).transactionally

But it does not work as expected (I would have though loginInfoAction would iterate over the Seq of DBIOAction). I am a newbie in Slick so do not hesitate to point me to the documentation if I missed anything !


  • DBIO.sequence

    Use DBIO.sequence to convert List[DBIO[_]] to DBIO[List[_]] and use for-comprehension.

    DBIO.sequence will convert the sequence of DBIO's into DBIO[Seq[_]].

    For example let say we have a function getUser

    def getUser(userId: Long): DBIO[User]
    def getAllUsers(userIds: List[Long]): DB[List[User]] = {

    DBIO.Sequence converts List[DBIO[_]] to DBIO[List[_]]

    Now your code becomes

    val actions = (for {
      _ <- slickUsers.insertOrUpdate(dbUser)
      loginInfoActionList <- DBIO.sequence(loginInfoActions)
      _ <- DBIO.sequence { { loginInfo =>
               slickUserLoginInfos += DBUserLoginInfo(dbUser.userID, }
    } yield ()).transactionally