I've just started using HockeyApp MetricsManager with Application Insigts Analytics on Azure. I managed to log customevents from my Xamarin App, but how can I log / trace requests?
I saw this requests table on this video: https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Cloud+Cover/Episode-214-Hockey-App-and-Azure-App-Insights-with-Evgeny-Ternovsky-and-Josh-Weber
This is the tutorial I used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcgHorMJklI&t=7s
My code limits to:
MetricsManager.Register(Application, "myAppId");
Unfortunately, requests is not a data type that is supported by HockeyApp. You can see more details here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/mobile-and-desktop-telemetry-in-application-insight-and-hockeyapp/. The demo that Josh and I did that you linked to included a requests table because the data that we were showing starting ~30min in came from a service that was instrumented with Application Insights. We did this just to show the potential of the Analytics tool with a big data set.
That said, HockeyApp does include a custom event mechanism that you can put any data you want into and then query via Analytics. You can see how to do this in section 3.7.2 here - this link is for the iOS SDK but the same option is available for Android and Windows as well.