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How to create a most popular article panel in business catalyst

I've been developing a website for my company and we are interested in creating a most popular articles or top 10 articles panel and was wondering if there was a way of accessing the analytics to display this?

We already have a latest and related and just want to mix it up a bit. Any thoughts would be most welcome.


  • The following code will give you all products which sold more than 5 units during the last 100 days.

    {% assign date = | date_add: -100, "day" -%}
    {module_data resource="products" version="v3" fields="id" limit="100" where="\{'orders.units':\{'$gt':'5'\},'orders.createDate':\{'$gt':'{{date}}'\}\}" collection="units"}

    You can then use the product IDs like so and render the products

    {% for item in  units.items -%}
        {module_data resource="catalogproducts" version="v3" limit="1" fields="productId,catalogueId" where="\{'':'{{}}'\}" order="catalogueId" collection="products"}
        {% for item in  products.items -%}
            {% assign CATID = {{item.catalogueId}} -%}
            {% assign PROID = {{item.productId}} -%}
        {% endfor -%}
    {% endfor -%}