I am looking to change the number of decimals displayed in a cell using a macro. I want the macro to work with all kinds of custom formats, I have the following examples that I want to properly change:
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.0000" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.0000" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.0000000" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.0000000" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0%" Test 0.00";[Red]8" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0%" Test 0.00";[Red]8" Test 0.00"
"Test 0.0000"$ #,##0.0000000" Test 0.00";[Red]"Test 0.0000"$ -#,##0.0000000" Test 0.00"
"Test 0.0000"$ #,##0%" Test 0.00";[Red]"Test 0.0000"8" Test 0.00"
"Test 0.0000"$ #,##0%" Test 0.00";[Red]"Test 0.0000"8" Test 0.00"
Note, I have used 0.00
inside quotes. I don't want the script to change this, I want them to stay that way.
I have started a bit using RegEx but I am not sure if this is the right approach:
Sub ChangeDecimalPoints(sRange As Range, DP As Integer)
Dim sCell As Range, sFmt As String
Dim regEx As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp, arrMatch As Variant, i As Long
For Each sCell In sRange
sFmt = sCell.NumberFormat
With regEx
.Global = True
.ignorecase = True
.Pattern = "[^""]+|(0\.[0]+)"
If .test(sFmt) Then
Set arrMatch = .Execute(sFmt)
i = 0
Do Until i = arrMatch.Count
Debug.Print sFmt, arrMatch(i)
i = i + 1
End If
End With
Next sCell
End Sub
To show an example of how I want it to change, if I run the following (assuming the list above shows the .NumberFormat
of Selection
ChangeDecimalPoints Selection, 2
I want the output of the above to be the following:
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00%" Test 0.00";[Red]8" Test 0.00"
$ #,##0.00%" Test 0.00";[Red]8" Test 0.00"
"Test 0.0000"$ #,##0.00" Test 0.00";[Red]"Test 0.0000"$ -#,##0.00" Test 0.00"
"Test 0.0000"$ #,##0.00%" Test 0.00";[Red]"Test 0.0000"8" Test 0.00"
"Test 0.0000"$ #,##0.00%" Test 0.00";[Red]"Test 0.0000"8" Test 0.00"
After spending all afternoon thinking about this, I found an answer that works for all the example formats I've posted above:
Sub ChangeDecimalPoints(sRange As Range, DP As Integer)
Dim sCell As Range, sFmt As String, sNewFmt As String
Dim regEx As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp, arrMatch As Variant, i As Long, arrReplace As Variant
sNewFmt = "0" & IIf(DP > 0, ".", "")
For i = 1 To DP
sNewFmt = sNewFmt & "0"
Next i
For Each sCell In sRange
sFmt = sCell.NumberFormat
With regEx
.Global = True
.ignorecase = True
.Pattern = "[\""].*?[\""]|(0\.?0*)"
If .test(sFmt) Then
Set arrMatch = .Execute(sFmt)
For i = arrMatch.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(arrMatch(i).submatches(0)) Then
sFmt = WorksheetFunction.Replace(sFmt, arrMatch(i).FirstIndex + 1, arrMatch(i).Length, sNewFmt)
End If
Next i
End If
End With
sCell.NumberFormat = sFmt
Next sCell
End Sub
I am not sure if there is a way to get this to work without .submatches
, I assume there might be a way using `regEx.Replace(input, "$match") but I was too lazy for that and this works just as well.