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Make @HostBinding and @HostListener conditional in a Directive or Component for Angular2

I have a directive that accepts an event:

<td calendarEvent [event]=event><td>

Inside the directive, I have HostBindings for adding classes based on the event and HostListeners for listening for mouseenter and mouseleave events. For example:

@HostBinding('class.all-day') get eventIsAllDay() {
  if (this.event) return this.event.is_all_day;

A number of <td>s will have undefined for the [event] input. Is there a way for HostBinding and HostListener to be added based upon a condition? On every change detection, it has to run all the bindings and listeners for every single <td> tag, even those that don't have events. Perhaps the computing power needed is negligible, but every little bit helps I'm sure, especially with mobile devices.


  • There is no way to add those conditionally.

    You can use a property and bind to the property instead. Change detection with properties is more efficient than with functions or getters.

    eventIsAllDay:boolean = false;
    set event(val) {
      this.event.is_all_day === val;