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C# designer is not shown when Inheritance form

I have a problem in deriving a form called PrinterForm This is the code of the parent form:

public partial class PrinterForm : Form
    public PrinterForm()

    private void PrinterForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void LoadSomething()
        //Return a List<dynamic> of Dapper (query work fine!). The function is already used elsewhere so no problem here
        var list = new DapperRepository().GetAllOfSomething(); 

And this is the code of the children form:

public partial class FormChildren : PrinterForm
    public FormChildren()

When I try to access the FormChildren designers an error is reported and is not shown. The error that is reported to me is the following:


Trying to comment on the LoadSomething function can correctly display the designer.

What's the problem?


  • I think you're problem is in the LoadSomething function, you should try to put a condition so it is not executed when you're working with the designer.

    See : Error when opening designer on inherited form