I am facing a problem to download and configure the MediaWiki's Math extension.
The problem is that the version i am using is the MediaWiki 1.22.6 and the extension's versions avaliable to download here starts at 1.23. Nevertheless, i discovered that the Math extension can be installed since the MW 1.19 but i cannot find this version.
However, the only thing i found was the MathJax that seems to be able to run under the MW 1.22, but i am not sure if the MathJax depends on the Math extension to run.
So my question is, how can add formulas in the MW 1.22? Is it through Math extension or i can use only the MathJax? If the Math extension is necessary, where can i find a version capable of run in the MW 1.22?
Thank you all for the help.
For formulas in MediaWiki don't use the Math extension or MathJax, instead use Extension:SimpleMathJax.